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Introducing the Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign

In 2023, Town of Wappinger voter turnout was 32.6% for the local elections. This is similar to 2021 and 2019. The Committee has met more of out neighbors each year but turnout has barely increased. To engage more of out neighbors to get out and vote locally, we are starting something new - The Neighbor to Neighbor campaign.

We are looking for volunteers to distribute Neighborhood News 4 times per year to five neighbors who are registered with the democratic party. It is a way for us to keep voters informed on local and county issues, to see what is on voters’ minds, and build community.

If you are interested, please reach out. We will provide training and go with you the first time. You would report any questions or issues you uncover during your visit, distribute newsletters, and remind your neighbors to vote at election time.

Town of Wappinger Democratic Committee
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